Archive from September, 2017
Sep 29, 2017 - Hunting in Bulgaria    No Comments

Numeration and Use of Wild Game in Bulgaria

Here’s a bit of trivia hunters might find interesting about the numeration and use of wild game in Bulgaria!

Red deer – the average use for the country is 13, 57% – 3789 animals. 513 red deer have been shot in 2016.

Fallow deer – the average use for the country is 24,09 % – 2057 animals. 988 fallow deer have been shot in 2016.

Roe deer – the average use for the country is 8,50 % – 9422 animals. 2080 roe deer have been shot in 2016.

Mouflon – the average use for the country is 14,91 % – 603 animals. 123 mouflons have been shot in 2016.

Wild boar – the use for it has been set at 66,36 % from the stock or 62874 animals. 36000 wild boars have been shot in 2016.

Hare – the average use for the country is 10 % – 34801 animals. 7227 hares have been shot in 2016.

Pheasant – the average use for the country is 32 % – 52280 animals. 30473 pheasants have been shot in 2016.

Partridge – the average use for the country is 27 % – 91066 animals. 38111 partridges have been shot in 2016.

Rock partridge – the average use for the country is 7 % – 1205 animals. 282 rock partridges have been shot in 2016.


Per la caccia di cervo in Bulgaria

Ogni anno, da metà settembre a metà ottobre circa, i cervi maschi, che solitamente vivono in gruppetti monosessuali, si separano per sfidarsi a suon di bramiti. Camminando per i boschi, in questo periodo si odono suoni strazianti e di intensità impensabile. Durante la stagione degli amori, sono avvicinabili con maggior facilità perchè distratti dalle femmine. Può capitare di scorgere anche un solo cervo maschio con 5 o anche 10 cervo femmine intorno. Esso solitamente si sposta sui pendii o nei prati dove può procacciarsi cibo ed è pronto in ogni istante ad ingaggiare battaglia contro i suoi rivali.Dopo questo mese di bramiti, le femmine si separano dai maschi maturi e, con i maschi più giovani, cercano un luogo sicuro e tranquillo dove passare i primi periodi della gestazione.


Sep 15, 2017 - Big Game    No Comments

Monteria in January 2018

Hello, friends!

We have some news regarding this winter’s monterias in Spain! The red deer and mouflon trophies in these hunting areas are of very high quality. You can try your hand at this traditional spanish type of hunting on January 20th and 21st 2018, as well as January 27th and 28th. Monterias require groups of at least 5-6 hunters. It costs 4300 EUR per person for 2 hunting days, including organisation of the hunt, hunting guides for each hunter, 4 red doe mothers or 5 male mouflons (depending on the hunter’s choice), 8 female red deer, and female mouflons and wild boars without limit!

Those of you who are interested in going on this unique hunting trip can contact us at:


Red Deer Hunting in Bulgaria 2017

Hello, friends!

Bulgaria is a great place for a trophy hunter to be at the moment! The red deer mating period just began recently, and for those of you who are interested in trying their hand at this exciting sport, now’s your chance! The best time to hunt red deer in Bulgaria lasts until the first week of October. You can even combine red deer hunting with fallow deer and wild boar hunting! To see more pictures of the big game animals we have to offer, visit our website at

For more information, contact us at

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Sep 8, 2017 - Small Game    No Comments

Lark and Thrush Hunting 2017

Hunters have the chance to test their skills during the lark and thrush hunting season this October and November! Our hunting areas boast a high population of these birds and we can guarantee a very successful hunt!

For more information, contact us at:

Don’t forget to visit our website and stay up to date on our services:

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Our New YouTube Channel!

Hello, friends!

We are happy to present our new YouTube channel! Subscribe now to share our guests’ adventures on their big and small game hunting trips in Bulgaria and its neighbouring countries. Acquaint yourselves with our hunting grounds, whether they be lush forests, wide open fields or river banks. Both those with a deep passion for hunting and casual hunting enthusiasts are welcome! Just click on the link below and stay up to date on our video content: