Browsing "Small Game"

Turtle-dove and quail season is nearly here!

Turtle-dove and quail season in Bulgaria opens on August 11th! Our lookouts are already on standby, scouting the hunting fields and observing the movements of the local populations of turtle-doves. This past year has been especially rainy, and the fields are looking very promising. Are you ready for an exciting hunting season?

For more information, contact us at:


Feb 16, 2018 - Small Game    No Comments

Snipe Hunting in Macedonia

Hello, friends! We are happy to present to you our new snipe hunting offer, this time in Macedonia! The package includes as many snipes as you can shoot without limit.  The hunting season is open until the 30th of March, and right now there is a large number of snipes in the hunting area.

For more information visit our page at: [LINK]


message us at:

Common Snipe

Jan 23, 2018 - Small Game    No Comments

Dog Training on Partridges in Macedonia

Hello, friends!

We are happy to announce our dog training offer in Macedonia! Train your hunting dogs on partridges in an area known for its large population of these birds, where hunters encounter an average of 20-50 pairs per day. You can bring as many dogs as you like, with no limit to the number of dogs that can participate in the training program. The training season lasts from 15th February to 31st March.

Dog training costs 150 € per day, and includes permits, accommodation on a full board basis, pick up from the airport.

For more information, or to book a trip, contact us at:


Small Game and Trophy Hunting Combinations in Bulgaria

Hello, friends! For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of all possible small game hunting combinations not only by month in accordance with the legal duration of the hunting seasons, but also by region, so that you can hunt each group of animals in the same place:

Small game hunting:

August: turtle-doves, quails

September: turtle-doves, quails

October: grey partridges, pheasants, rabbits

November: grey partridges, rock partridges, pheasants, rabbits, woodcocks

December: grey partridges, rock partridges, pheasants, rabbits, wood pigeons, wild ducks, woodcocks

January: pheasants, wild ducks, geese, wood pigeons, woodcocks

February:  woodcocks, wild ducks, geese

Trophy hunting can also be mixed and matched when the different seasons overlap:

All year round: mouflons, wild boar (can be combined with other big game animals and small game depending on the month)

April 15th to May 15th: wood grouse

April 10th to May 10th: chamois

May to October 30th: roe deer

September to the end of January: red deer, fallow deer

For more information, or to book a hunting trip, contact us at

Red Deer 3



Pheasant and Partridge Hunting in Bulgaria

Hello, friends! Did you know you have the option of hunting pheasants and partridges in Bulgaria all year round?

Bulgaria is home to a large population of wild pheasants and partridges. You can hunt wild pheasants from 1st October to 30th of January, and wild partridges – from  1st October to 30th November.

However, for those of you who wish to come at a different time, there are special dog training areas, where you can hunt released pheasants and partridges all year round. For more information, contact us at:

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Sep 8, 2017 - Small Game    No Comments

Lark and Thrush Hunting 2017

Hunters have the chance to test their skills during the lark and thrush hunting season this October and November! Our hunting areas boast a high population of these birds and we can guarantee a very successful hunt!

For more information, contact us at:

Don’t forget to visit our website and stay up to date on our services:

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