Aug 12, 2013 - Uncategorized    Comments Off on State Game Preserve “Zhenda”

State Game Preserve “Zhenda”

The preserve is named after a village in the Rhodopi Mountain. It is situated at 259 km distance from the capital. The total area comes to 16 118 ha. It is characterized by relatively low mountainous relief, highly broken through by numerous ravines. The peaks are round and the slopes – very steep and precipitous. The altitude varies between 400 and 1100m. Deer, stag, doe, mouflon and wild boar are the species featuring the local hunting fauna, as they inhabit permanently or temporarily the preserve.


The mouflon could be found within the eastern parts of the Rhodopi Mountain – 6 golden medals. The collection of best hunting achievements renders also those who won an equal number of golden and silver medals – 4 trophies from wild boar and two bronze medals with deer and stag achievements.




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